本文共 15261 字,大约阅读时间需要 50 分钟。
[root@centos7 9_1 ]#cat iftest.sh #!/bin/bashread -p "Please input your age:" age ## 判断用户输入的必须是数字if [[ "$age" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]];then trueelse echo "Please input digit" exit 10fi## 判断用户的年龄,并输出相应的信息if [ "$age" -ge 0 -a $age -le 18 ];then echo "good good study,day day up"elif [ "$age" -gt 18 -a $age -le 60 ];then ## 由于前面已经判断为数字,并且为正整数,所以的 "$age" -gt 18 可以省略; echo "work hard"elif [ "$age" -gt 60 -a $age -le 120 ];then ## 同理,这里的"$age" -gt 60也可以省略,优化 echo "enjoy your life"else echo "you don not come from the earch"fi
1.用户输入的所有选择:y|yes|Y|YES,同n|no|N|NO 2.统一判断为大写或者小写:tr进行转换 3.使用两种选择判断:2:使用正则匹配y|yes;n|no或者大写
#!/bin/bashread -p "Input yes or no:" answerans=`echo "$answer"|tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`if [ "$ans" = "yes" -o "$ans" = "y" ];then echo "YES"elif [ "$ans" = "no" -o "$ans" = "n" ];then echo "NO"else echo "Please input yes or no"fi
#!/bin/bashread -p "Input yes or no:" answerif [[ "$answer" =~ ^[Yy]([Ee][Ss])?$ ]];then echo YESelif [[ "$answer" =~ ^[Nn][Oo]?$ ]];then echo "NO"else echo "Please input yes or no"fi
[root@centos7 9_1 ]#vim yesorno2.sh#!/bin/bashread -p "Are you rich? yes or no: " answerif [[ "$answer" =~ ^[Yy]([Ee][Ss])?$ ]];then echo OKelif [[ "$answer" =~ ^[Nn][Oo]?$ ]];then read -p "Are you handsome? yes or no: " answer if [[ "$answer" =~ ^[Yy]([Ee][Ss])?$ ]];then echo Ok exit elif [[ "$answer" =~ ^[Nn][Oo]?$ ]];then echo "work hard" else echo "Please input yes or no" fielse echo "Please input yes or no"fi
[root@centos7 9_1 ]#vim casetest.sh#!/bin/bashread -p "Please input a digit: " numcase $num in1|2|3) echo 1,2,3 ;;4|5|6) echo 4,5,6 ;;7|8|9) echo 7,8,9 ;;*) echo other digit ;;esac
#!/bin/bashread -p "Please input yes or no: " anscase $ans in[Yy]|[Yy][Ee][Ss]) echo YES ;;[Nn]|[Nn][Oo]) echo NO ;;*) echo input false ;;esac
[root@CentOS6 ~ ]#cat menu.sh #!/bin/bashcat <
help for————两种语法
语法1:for NAME [in WORDS ... ] ; do COMMANDS; done 语法2:for ((: for (( exp1; exp2; exp3 )); do COMMANDS; done
[root@centos7 9_2 ]#for num in 1 2 3 4 5;do echo "num=$num"; donenum=1num=2num=3num=4num=5
[root@centos7 9_2 ]#sum=0; for num in 1 2 3 4 5; do sum=$[sum+num];done ;echo sum=$sumsum=15
方法1: {1..100}生成序列[root@centos7 9_2 ]#sum=0; for num in {1..100}; do sum=$[sum+num];done ;echo sum=$sumsum=5050## 用于计算的方式有$[] 和$(())以及let等等。方法2:seq 100生成序列[root@centos7 9_2 ]#sum=0; for num in `seq 100`; do sum=$[sum+num];done ;echo sum=$sumsum=5050
[root@centos7 ~ ]#sum=0; for num in {1..100..2}; do sum=$[sum+num];done ;echo sum=$sumsum=2500[root@centos7 ~ ]#sum=0; for num in `seq 1 2 100`; do sum=$[sum+num];done ;echo sum=$sumsum=2500
[root@centos7 ~ ]#sum=0; for num in {2..100..2}; do sum=$[sum+num];done ;echo sum=$sumsum=2550[root@centos7 ~ ]#sum=0; for num in `seq 2 2 100`; do sum=$[sum+num];done ;echo sum=$sumsum=2550
[root@centos7 9_2 ]#seq 1 2 10————打印奇数13579[root@centos7 9_2 ]#seq 2 2 10————打印偶数246810[root@centos7 9_2 ]#seq 1 10 |sed -n "1~2p" ——————sed打印奇数13579[root@centos7 9_2 ]#seq 1 10 |sed -n "2~2p"————————sed打印偶数246810[root@centos7 ~ ]#echo {1..10..2} ————————————————{}也可以实现输出奇数1 3 5 7 9[root@centos7 ~ ]#echo {2..10..2} ————————————————{}打印偶数2 4 6 8 10
[root@centos7 9_2 ]#lscase_yesorno.sh test.sh[root@centos7 9_2 ]#[root@centos7 9_2 ]#for filename in *.sh;do ./$filename;donePlease input yes or no: yesYEShello,world
[root@centos7 9_2 ]#vim createuser_n.sh #!/bin/bashfor num in {1..10};do useradd user${num} echo "magedu" |passwd --stdin user${num} &> /dev/null passwd -e user${num} &> /dev/nulldone
## 默认是顺序执行,ping完一个ip后再ping下一个,那么可不可以并行执行?[root@centos7 9_2 ]#cat scanip.sh #!/bin/bash## 每次执行前清空文件> /data/iplist.log net=172.20.129for i in {1..254};do## 添加{}实现并行执行 { if ping -c1 -W1 $net.$i &> /dev/null ;then echo $net.$i is up echo $net.$i >> /data/iplist.log ## 注意这里是追加,所以在脚本开始清空文件 else echo $net.$i is down fi } & ## 前后对应,并放入后台执行donewait ## 由于需要手动按enter退出,所以添加wait命令自动退出优化版:交互式输入[root@centos7 9_2 ]#vim scanip.sh #!/bin/bash> /data/iplist.log## 交互式输入read -p "Please input the network:(eg:" net ## 截取前三段,否则出现1.情况net=`echo $net|cut -d. -f1-3` for i in {1..254};do { if ping -c1 -W1 $net.$i &> /dev/null ;then echo $net.$i is up echo $net.$i >> /data/iplist.log else echo $net.$i is down fi } &donewait
[root@centos7 9_2 ]#echo $[193&240]192[root@centos7 9_2 ]#cat netid.sh #!/bin/bashread -p "input a ip: " ip read -p "input a netmask: " netmask ## 每次cut取一个字段,然后循环4次 for i in {1..4};do net=`echo $ip |cut -d. -f$i` mask=`echo $netmask |cut -d. -f$i` if [ $i -eq 1 ];then ## 先一个字段与另外一个字段相与,最后再进行组合 netid=$[net&mask] else netid=$netid.$[net&mask] fidoneecho netid=$netid优化版:[root@centos7 9_2 ]#cat netid.sh #!/bin/bashread -p "input a ip: " ipread -p "input a netmask: " netmaskfor i in {1..4};do net=`echo $ip |cut -d. -f$i` mask=`echo $netmask |cut -d. -f$i` subnetid=$[net&mask] if [ $i -eq 1 ];then netid=$subnetid else netid=$netid.$subnetid fidoneecho netid=$netid其他参考:[root@centos7 9_2 ]#cat netid1.sh #!/bin/bashread -p "input a ip: " ipread -p "input a netmask: " netmaskfor (( i = 1; i < 5; i++ ));do ip1=`echo $ip |cut -d. -f$i` netmask1=`echo $netmask |cut -d. -f$i` echo -n $[$ip1&$netmask1] ## 用-n实现不换行追加 if [ $i -eq 4 ];then ## 每次输出一个网络id字段后并输出一个点,然后不断追加 echo "" else echo -n "." fidone[root@centos7 9_2 ]#
[root@centos7 9_2 ]#cat rectangle.sh #!/bin/bashread -p "input line number: " xread -p "input colume number: " yfor row in `seq $x`;do ## 指定行数打印多行 for col in `seq $y`;do ## 通过指定列数打印一行 echo -e "*\c" done echo ## 每一行打印完后换行 done优化版:添加颜色显示,并闪烁[root@centos7 9_2 ]#cat rectangle.sh #!/bin/bashread -p "input line number: " xread -p "input colume number: " yfor row in `seq $x`;do ## 指定行数打印多行 for col in `seq $y`;do ## 通过指定列数打印一行 color=$[RANDOM%7+31] ## RANDOM%7表示0-6,+31即31-37 echo -e "\033[1;5;${color}m*\033[0m\c" ## 1高亮显示,5闪烁,\c换到行尾表示不换行 done echo ## 每一行打印完后换行 done[root@centos7 9_2 ]#
利用for的第二种语法实现[root@centos7 9_4 ]#cat fortriangle.sh#!/bin/bashread -p "Please input a line number: " linefor ((i=1;i<=line;i++));do for ((j=1;j<=$[line-i];j++));do echo -n " " done for ((k=1;k<=$[2*i-1];k++));do echo -n "*" done echo done
[root@centos7 9_4 ]#vim multi.sh#!/bin/bashfor i in {1..9};do ## 外层循环决定了打几行,i相当于行号 for j in `seq $i`;do ## j表示其中的一行循环多少遍? echo -e "$j*$i=$(($j*$i))\t\c" ## 计算$j*$i的结果,并以tab分隔,不换行; done echo ## echo的位置表示打印一行后进行换行;done[root@centos7 9_4 ]#sh multi.sh 1*1=1 1*2=2 2*2=4 1*3=3 2*3=6 3*3=9 1*4=4 2*4=8 3*4=12 4*4=16 1*5=5 2*5=10 3*5=15 4*5=20 5*5=25 1*6=6 2*6=12 3*6=18 4*6=24 5*6=30 6*6=36 1*7=7 2*7=14 3*7=21 4*7=28 5*7=35 6*7=42 7*7=49 1*8=8 2*8=16 3*8=24 4*8=32 5*8=40 6*8=48 7*8=56 8*8=64 1*9=9 2*9=18 3*9=27 4*9=36 5*9=45 6*9=54 7*9=63 8*9=72 9*9=81
思路:找规律,第一个数字是列编号 第二个数字是行号;
先打印一行 ,然后循环打印多行————————打印一行的时候,需要计算循环多少遍?——————最终发现由行号决定循环几遍
[root@centos7 9_4 ]#cat for_mult.sh #!/bin/bashfor ((i=1;i<=9;i++));do for ((j=1;j<=i;j++));do echo -e "$j*$i=$[j*i]\t\c" done echo done
[root@centos7 9_4 ]#vim create.sh #!/bin/bashfor i in {1..10};do touch $i`tr -dc "0-9a-zA-Z" < /dev/urandom|head -c8`done
[root@centos7 9_4 ]#vim while.sh#!/bin/bashsum=0i=1while [ $i -le 100 ];do let sum+=i let i++doneecho sum=$sum "while.sh" [New] 8L, 86C written [root@centos7 9_4 ]#sh while.sh sum=5050
9_4 ]#vim whilemult.sh#!/bin/bashi=1while [ $i -le 9 ];do j=1 while [ $j -le $i ];do echo -e "$j*$i=$[$j*$i]\t\c" let j++ done echo let i++done[root@centos7 9_4 ]#sh whilemult.sh 1*1=1 1*2=2 2*2=4 1*3=3 2*3=6 3*3=9 1*4=4 2*4=8 3*4=12 4*4=16 1*5=5 2*5=10 3*5=15 4*5=20 5*5=25 1*6=6 2*6=12 3*6=18 4*6=24 5*6=30 6*6=36 1*7=7 2*7=14 3*7=21 4*7=28 5*7=35 6*7=42 7*7=49 1*8=8 2*8=16 3*8=24 4*8=32 5*8=40 6*8=48 7*8=56 8*8=64 1*9=9 2*9=18 3*9=27 4*9=36 5*9=45 6*9=54 7*9=63 8*9=72 9*9=
ot@centos7 9_4 ]#cat while_triangle.sh #!/bin/bashread -p "Please input a line number: " linei=1 ## 打印多行while [ "$i" -le "$line" ];do ## print space ## 打印空格 j=1 while [ "$j" -le $[line-i] ];do echo -n " " ##或者使用 echo -e " \c" let j++ done ## print * ## 打印*的个数 k=1 while [ "$k" -le $[2*i-1] ];do echo -n "*" let k++ done let i++ echo done[root@centos7 9_4 ]#sh while_triangle.sh Please input a line number: 10 * *** ***** ******* ********* *********** ************* *************** ************************************
定义总行数:line 当前行:i 当前列:j中间 所在列=总行数line 当前行从开头到中间 的个数=i
space=line-i 当前行 的个数=2i-1
#!/bin/bashSLEEPTIME=10while : ;do ## :和true都表示为真 if killall -0 httpd &> /dev/null ;then ## kill -0 表示监控进程是否在运行 true else service httpd restart echo "At `date +'%F %T'` httpd restart" >> /var/log/checkhttpd.log fi sleep $SLEEPTIME ## 等待时间done##建议使用nohup script & 放入后台执行,终端的退出将不影响执行。
[root@centos7 9_4 ]#cat formaxmin.sh #!/bin/bashecho -e "random list:\c" for ((i=0;i<10;i++));do rand=$RANDOM echo -e " $rand\c" if [ $i -eq 0 ];then ## 第一次的随机数字没有可比的数字,所以既是最大值又是最小值; max=$rand min=$rand fi if [ $max -lt $rand ];then ## 如果随机数大于最大值,则rand替换为最大值; max=$rand elif [ $min -gt $rand ];then ## 否则为假,即随机数
为假,则执行循环语句[root@centos7 9_4 ]#cat untiltest.sh #!/bin/bashuntil who|grep -q "^hacker\>";do sleep 3done ## 如果有hacker用户在登录,则退出脚本,并执行下面的pkill语句。pkill -9 -U hacker ## 注意 pkill -9 可以杀死用户所有的进程。## 优化版:不退出脚本,进入死循环,hacker一旦登录,则直接踢出去[root@centos7 9_4 ]#cat untiltest.sh #!/bin/bash until false; do ## 为假则进入死循环 who|grep -q "^hacker\>" && pkill -9 -U hacker sleep 3done
#!/bin/bashrand=$[RANDOM%11] ## 生成0-10的随机数字while read -p "input a number: " num;do if [[ ! $num =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]];then ## 由于直接比较,不是>数字的话会报错,所以进行判断; echo "Please input a digit" continue ## 结束本次循环 elif [ $num -gt $rand ];then echo $num is greater elif [ $num -lt $rand ];then echo $num is little else echo "guess OK" break ## 退出整个循环 fidone
[root@centos7 9_4 ]#cat diskcheck.sh #!/bin/bashdf |sed -n "/sd/p"|while read line;do name=`echo $line |tr -s " " %|cut -d% -f1` ## 通过echo $line对读取到的每一行进行处理 used=`echo $line |tr -s " " %|cut -d% -f5` if [ $used -gt 8 ];then echo "$name will be full;$used %" fidone[root@centos7 9_4 ]#sh diskcheck.sh/dev/sda2 will be full;9 %/dev/sda1 will be full;16 %
#!/bin/bashdf |while read line;do if [[ "$line" =~ /dev/sd.* ]];then used=`echo $line|tr -s " " %|cut -d% -f5` if [ $used -gt 8 ];then echo "$line" |tr -s " " :|cut -d: -f1,5 fi fidone[root@centos7 9_4 ]#sh diskcheck1.sh /dev/sda2:9%/dev/sda1:16%
[root@centos7 9_4 ]#cat user.sh #!/bin/bashwhile read line ;do GECOS=`echo $line|cut -d: -f5` USER=`echo $line|cut -d: -f1` [ -z "$GECOS" ] && chfn -f $USER -p 2985600 $USER &> /dev/null;done < /etc/passwd
[root@centos7 9_4 ]#vim test.sh #!/bin/bashss -nt|sed -nr '/ESTAB/s/.* (.*):.*/\1/p'|sort|uniq -c|while read line;do ## 取出ip并统计次数,然后逐行读取;IP=`echo $line|cut -d" " -f2`num=`echo $line|cut -d" " -f1` if [ "$num" -ge 2 ];then iptables -A INPUT -s $IP -j REJECT ## 如果连接数>2,则使用防火墙策略阻止连接 else true fidone
语法:select: select NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do COMMANDS; done
[root@CentOS6 ~ ]#cat select.sh #!/bin/bashPS3="please choose a digit: " ## PS3专门用来提供输入select MENU in jiaozi lamian mifan daoxiaomian quit;do ## in后面的参数默认按照序号1 2 3 4等一一对应; case $MENU in jiaozi) echo "Your choose is $REPLY" ## 变量REPLY专门用于存储用户输入的结果 echo "$MENU price is 20" ;; lamian) echo "Your choose is $REPLY" echo "$MENU price is 15" ;; mifan) echo "Your choose is $REPLY" echo "$MENU price is 18" ;; daoxiaomian) echo "Your choose is $REPLY" echo "$MENU price is 12" ;; quit) echo "Your choose is $REPLY" break ;; *) echo "Your choose is $REPLY" echo "choose again" ;; esacdone效果:[root@CentOS6 ~ ]#sh select.sh 1) jiaozi2) lamian3) mifan4) daoxiaomian5) quitplease choose a digit: 1Your choose is 1jiaozi price is 20please choose a digit: 2Your choose is 2lamian price is 15please choose a digit: 5Your choose is 5